Friday, April 18, 2014

Merchant Navy officer

What is Merchant Navy?

Merchant navy is not like our Indian navy because it is non-combatant commercial fleet of ships. Ships could be for cargo and passengers, but mainly for the former one.

Therefore, a young graduate should not confuse merchant navy with Indian navy.

As economy of different countries grows they need raw material to keep it going. And the best way to import as well as export goods is through ships.

Hence, merchant navy jobs will be required by countries for ferrying such a huge amount of goods in and out.

So merchant navy schools around the country invites applications from graduates to join it.

Merchant Navy Jobs

Different Types of Merchant Navy Jobs

Merchant navy is a vast area. There are different types of jobs in merchant navy to choose from.

You have to decide which type of job suits you the best. Some of the job in merchant navy is very demanding and you need to know about them before you apply for it.

So here are some of the different types of merchant navy jobs

1. Container Ship

Container ships are basically cargo ships that carry their entire load in truck-size intermodal containers, in a technique called containerization. They form a common means of commercial intermodal freight transport.

2. Bulk Careers

A bulk carrier also known as bulker is a merchant ship particularly designed for transporting unpacked bulk cargo, like food grains, coal, crude oil, ore and cement in its cargo hold.
Today’s bulk carriers are designed to maximize their loading capacity, safety, efficiency and hard enough to withstand the tough weather and load.

3. Cruise Ships

A cruise ship or cruise liner is basically a passenger ship that is used for entertainment and long voyages.
Voyages and the ship’s amenities are important part of an experience that is floating 5 start hotels.
Moreover, it takes you to various locations along the way.
Therefore, apart from transportation cruise ships operate mainly on routes that return their passengers to their originating port.
Hence, the ports are located in the specified region of a continent or world.

4. Reefer Ships

Reefer ship is a kind of ship normally designed to ferry perishable goods which require very low temperature for transportation. Goods are mainly meats, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and other edible stuffs.

5. Oil Tankers

An oil tanker or a petroleum tanker is a merchant ship designed for the bulk transport of oil.
There are two kinds of oil tankers first is the crude tanker and the second is product tanker.
Crude tankers transport large quantities of unrefined crude oil from point of extraction to various refineries.
Oil tankers are generally much smaller and designed to ferry petrochemicals from refineries to the consuming markets.


The Merchant Navy is a non-combatant commercial fleet, which deals with transporting cargo and occasionally, passengers, by sea. Its fleet is therefore composed of passenger vessels, cargo liners, tankers, carriers, as well as other special types of vehicles. A career in this field is full of adventure and long voyages to exotic places. Above all this, the excellent pay and promising promotional opportunities make the career lucrative and exciting in spite of all the hard work life and long absence from family and home. What is the big attraction of the merchant navy? Two things come to mind – money and foreign travel. There are other benefits like tax free income, quick promotions and an exciting life. But the money is the main temptation. You get fat pay checks and you don’t pay tax (if you stay out of the country for more than 6 months in a financial year). You start earning a big salary at a very young age. To give you an example, the starting salary for a 22 year old 3rd officer or 4th engineer (junior most officers on board ships) on an oil tanker is be more than 1500 $ per month (conservatively speaking). This amount depends on the type of ship and the company you join! Officers normally work on a contract basis. Junior officers do 6 to 9 month contracts, while senior officers do 3 to 6 months on board. Remember that you get paid ONLY when you are on board.
So, your salary is half of what you are said to get. The catch is, you stay away from home for extended periods of time. In fact you spend most of your time at sea rather than on land. Its not as if you reach a port and everyone goes ashore. Work continues with every officer / crew member working in shifts (watches as we call them). You are free to go ashore once you have completed your watch but don’t forget that you have to come back from your shore leave and work again. So, you either sleep or you go ashore. Work on a ship, never stops. As long as the ship is doing something – sailing, loading / discharging cargo, it’s making money for the ship owner. Port stays have gone down considerably so the ship is in port for a short time. Of course, this depends on the type of ship you are on. Container ships are in port for a few hours (YES few hours), oil tankers for 24 hours, cargo ships and bulk carriers stay longer in port. Watches in port are usually on a 6 on 6 off basis, 6 hours on duty, 6 hours off duty, and then you are back to work. Hence you cannot go ashore in every port because you need to rest sometime.
The ship owner is pays you to stay on board, not to go ashore! Its not all bad news, you do get to go ashore and do some shopping and maybe sight seeing. Ports are normally far away from civilisation. Travelling to and fro takes up time and is not cheap. With visa restrictions, many countries will not let you stay back for a holiday after you complete your tenure on your ship. So now you know why the ship owner pays you so much. You are being paid for staying away from family and home, you are being paid for long stints at sea and hardly any chance to go ashore. By the way, the girl in every port stories you have heard is pure myth!!! You will not get time to meet girls and if you do meet girls then they will be the wrong kind. Some companies do allow officers (usually senior officers) to carry their family (wife / kids) with them.

Mediocre Educational Qualification

The first great thing about merchant navy is that you need to have mediocre educational qualification.
It means you do not need to have great academic background like in engineering and medical jobs.
If they are asking a graduate then they are not going to demand minimum marks. Just passed is enough.
So if you have less or average educational qualification then also you could apply for merchant navy.

Lucrative Pay Package and Perks

Here is the best thing about merchant navy job and that is its lucrative pay package and other perks with it.
In this your salary is much higher compared to any other type of job. Even an engineer do not make this amount of money like a merchant navy employee makes.
If you know, the salary for a fresh candidate could start from Rs 50,000/- per months to even Rs 100,000 to Rs 200,000/- per month.
So there is a lot of money that could be made even if you are young.

Overseas Travelling and Adventure

This job is very adventurous because you will get to travel to different parts of the world. You could travel almost every corner of the world without paying any money from your pocket.
People spend lakhs of rupees in cruise liners for travelling and you would be doing for free because of your merchant navy job.

Exposure of other Cultures

You come in contact with other cultures that were totally unfamiliar to you.
Meeting other people and sharing their experienced with yours is a really a great way to learn new things in your life.

Tax Benefits

Government also gives certain tax relaxation to merchant navy employees if they meet certain criteria.
They have to spend at least 6 months on duty in a vessel or ship.

Professionalism and Discipline

This is the best part of the merchant navy where you become more professional and disciplined. You need to complete your tasks at a given amount of time.
Hence it makes you more disciplined that will benefit in your future life.
Although there are many benefits in merchant navy job however it is my responsibility to tell you it’s disadvantages also.
First one is in merchant navy you need to stay away from your family for half of the year. So 6 months you are going to be in sea on the ship.
Then, staying on the ship for such a long time might give you sea sickness because of the climate.
Moreover, in today’s world you have to face sea pirates. As you know pirates hijack ships and demand for ransom.
Therefore these are some disadvantages of a merchant navy job.
Finally, I recommend you merchant job is good for you when you are young. Once you have made enough money then you could change your job and do something which is comforting to you.

Deck Cadets
The cadets to become  Navigating officers on board Merchant Naval Ships anywhere in the world.
Eligibility Criteria

• Candidate should have passed in HSC (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects.
• Age Limit - Being not lower then 18 years of age.
• Physical Standards - Medical fitness and good eye sight (Not color blind) as per the rules and regulations of IMO.
• Duration - 4 Months Pre-sea training
 12 Months on Board training with stipend(provided by the academy)
Career Path
3 AFTER 12 MONTHS OBTAIN 2nd OFFICER.(You should must clear the Second Mat exam)
4 AFTER 30 MONTHS OBTAIN CHIEF OFFICER. (You should must clear the Chief Mat exam)
5 AFTER 42 MONTHS OBTAIN CAPTAIN (You should must clear the Master exam)

General Purpose Ratings(G.P)
The Duration of the course is 4 months. On successful completion of this course, the candidates will be eligible to join in Indian/Foreign Shipping companies as a Deck/Engine crew. With further sea service, they would be promoted as Motorman/Oil man, Fitter, Deck Cadets, Able-Bodied Seamen, Bosun. They can also be promoted to officer level with certain service and qualification requirements on passing the examinations conducted by the concern authority.
Eligibility Criteria
• Candidate should have :  Minimum Pass.
• Age Limit - Being not lower than 18 years of age.
• Physical Standards - Medical fitness and good eye sight (Not colour blind) as per the rules and regulations of IMO.
• Duration - 4 Months Pre-sea training
12 Months on Board training with stipend(provided by the academy)
• Batch Commencing on January, April, October each year.
Career Path
1. 4 months
2 .12 months on board training
3 .After 12 months (AB / Oiler) promotion on performance
4 .Till 36 months (Boson / Oiler) promotion on performance
5 .After 36 months (Second office / Forth engineer) - You should must clear the exam
6 .After 48 months (Chief Officer / Third engineer)  - You should must clear the exam
7 .After 50 months (Captain / Chief Engineer) - You should must clear the exam

Ship’s Steward
Ship’s Steward (Catering Department)

Eligibility Criteria
• Eligibility: Matriculation (10th) & Above
• Age Limit: 17.5 to 27 Years
• Medical Fitness: * Eye sight must be 6/6. * No color Blindness. * Physically fit for sea service
• Duration - 3.5 Months Pre-sea training
12 Months on Board training with stipend(provided by the academy)

Career Graph

Trainee Marine Engineering
1.5 months Pre sea training course for Diploma Holders (TME) is a course leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, after 12 months of sea service, enabling the cadets to become Marine Engineers on board Merchant Naval ships anywhere in the world. This course is strictly residential.
Eligibility Criteria
• Applicants should possess - Technical Diploma/Certificate (ITI/Welder/Fitter/Electrician)
• Age Limit - Maximum 27 years of age as on commencement date of the course.
• Physical Standards - Medically fit as per the standards set by M. S. Medical Examination Rules, 2000.
• Eyesight - Candidates have to qualify a full eyesight test conducted by the Dominica approved medical doctor
before being finally selected for the course. Maximum permissible tolerance is + 2.5 on each eye. Colour blind candidate is not eligible.
• Duration - 1.5 Months Pre-sea training
 12 Months on Board training with stipend(provided by the academy

Graduate Marine Engineering
1.5 months Pre sea training course for Graduate in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering (GME) is a course leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, after 12 months of sea service, enabling the cadets to become Marine Engineers on board Merchant Naval ships anywhere in the world. This course is strictly residential.
Eligibility Criteria
• Applicants should possess - Graduate in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
• Age Limit - Maximum 27 years of age as on commencement date of the course.
• Physical Standards - Medically fit as per the standards set by M. S. Medical Examination Rules, 2000.
• Eyesight - Candidates have to qualify a full eyesight test conducted by the Dominica approved medical doctor
Before being finally   selected   for  the  course. Maximum permissible tolerance is + 2.5 on each eye. Color blind candidate is not eligible.
• Duration - 1.5 Months Pre-sea training
12 Months on Board training with stipend (provided by the academy)

Diploma in Marine Engineering
4 months Pre sea training course for 10+2 with P.C.M(Science) is a course leading to Class IV Marine Engineer Officer Certificate of competency, after 12 months of sea service, enabling the cadets to become Marine Engineers on board Merchant Naval ships anywhere in the world. This course is strictly residential.
Eligibility Criteria
• Candidate should have Passed in HSC (10+2) or equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects.
• Age Limit - Maximum 26 years of age as on commencement date of the course.
• Physical Standards - Medically fit as per the standards set by M. S. Medical Examination Rules, 2000.
• Eyesight - Candidates have to qualify a full eyesight test conducted by the Dominica approved medical doctor
before being finally selected for the course. Maximum permissible tolerance is + 2.5 on each eye. Colour blind candidate is not eligible.
• Duration - 4 Months Pre-sea training

12 Months on Board training with stipend(provided by the academy)

Phone line counseling by: +977-9803693144 

skype ID : ovrseas.counselor (add this skype ID )

online counseling by : Pradeep Jangra (2nd Deck Officer),  Jitendra singh (Deck Cadet) &     Captions. 

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